The Man Behind SoCal Indo
Finally the man who ties Indos together in the region of South California.
I interviewed him ages ago, but in this first interview, he goes more in-depth about his upbringing. His recognition with other Indo’s and the mission behind SoCalindo which he started a few years ago.
Down the road many first generation American Indos (AmerIndos) born and raised in SoCal joined Michael to raise awareness, unite and support the Indo Community just like Oom Rene Creutzburg did in 1963 after he published his first yellow Indo booklet.
What I got out of the interview listening to him; It is maybe clear his dad played a big role in his Indo proudness and upbringing, but what I found interesting in his story is actually the story of his mother, because she was a light-skinned Manadonese.
Women too had it very hard during WWII times and she had to endure more then words can describe. But because of that experience, she had to go back to Indonesia to deal with her past. Michaels dad had to work a lot and because of this hew mostly grew up with his tantes and uncles where he finds a lot of recognition with other Indo families.
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