[wpcdt-countdown id=”33278″]


MAAR NIET HEUS..Vanwege Succes Nog 1 Dag Geldig!

€2.602 van €2.000 opgehaald
Persoonlijke info



Totaalbedrag: €1,00

Het geld gaat rechtstreeks naar het crowdfundproject waar ik Indo’s fotografeer wereldwijd.

Gebruik deze knop hieronder voor meer info over de Originele crowdfunding die alleen vandaag nog loopt.


195 van 150 donateurs

[su_box title=”STRETCH GOAL – Support money for: ” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”2″]
+ Bed and breakfast
+ Food expenses
+ Home expenses during my trip of 2 months
Stretch goal total: 4200,- [/su_box]

[su_box title=”35,- Euro Donation ” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”2″]
+ The book
+ facebook access to the closed group of participants.[/su_box]

[su_box title=”70,- Euro (325,- euro value) Donation as a participant ” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”2″]
+ The Book
+ One picture of your choosing plus the picture I choose for the book.
+ Instagram size
+ High resolution.
+ 3 extra choices which pictures you want
+ facebook access to the closed group of participants.
+ A3 size print of your picture.[/su_box]

[su_box title=”250,- Euro Donation as a participant ” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”2″]
+ Ten Books!!
You can give the books to your family and friends, signed by me. Or sell the books to you clients.[/su_box]

[su_box title=”1000,- Euro Donation as a participant ” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”2″]
10 books + A company video commercial.
Your marketing knows you need video.Call me for the details.[/su_box]

Persoonlijke info



Totaalbedrag: €5,00

De Lokatie is in Gouda.

Studio lokatie:

[su_gmap address=”Doesburgweg 7, Gouda” zoom=”9″]